Here are three goodbye speeches that I've written: the first is for the teacher's at my Junior high school (semi-formal), the second is for the students (informal), and the final speech is for the goodbye enkai (formal).
I wrote the speech in English and my friends Aki, Fumi and Sachi helped with the translation. Thank you!
The time has come that I must say goodbye t o you all and return to Canada.
Kono tabi watashi wa shigoto wo owari, Canada ni kaerimasu.
Thank you for all your help over these last few years.
Minasan nagai aida osewa ni narimashita.
It is impossible to believe that my time in Japan has come to an end.
Watashi no nihon deno jikan ga owatte shimau noga shinjira-re-masen.
I have enjoyed working with you all so much.
Watashi wa minasan to issho ni shigoto wo suru koto ga totemo tanoshikatta desu.
Whether you have helped me with a question…
minasan wa watashi no gimon ni kotai-ete kure-tari…
taken the time to chat, or taught me something new…
oshaberi suru jikan wo totte kuretari, mata iroiro atarashii koto wo oshiete kuretari shimashita… your kindness, sincerity and affection will be impossible to forget.
Minasan no seijitsu de aijyou wo motta shinsetsu wo watashi wa wasureru koto wa dekimasen.
Although came to Japan to teach, I feel that everyday I have been learning.
Watashi wa sensei toshite nihon ni kimashita ga, mai-nichi ga manabi no hibi datta to kanjite imasu.
I have taught with several teachers now and wish to say that you stand out among them all.
Watashito issho ni oshieta nanninkano sensei, soshite watashi wa minasan ga subarashii to iitai desu.
I feel that even without a common language we have been able to understand each other.
Watashi wa kyoutsu no gengo ga naku-temo wakari a-e-ruto kanjite imasu.
Hoki sensei and Nabeshima san have taught me so much. Mostly about patience. Lots of patience.
Hoki-sensei to Nabeshima-san wa watashi ni nintai-zu-yoku takusan no koto wo oshiete kuremashita.
When I see how busy you are with your work and with your own lives, and yet you take the time to talk to me and help me…
Shigoto mo jisseikatsu mo isogashii to omowareru toki desae watashi ni hanashikaketari tasukete kuretari shimashita.
I am so impressed and so grateful.
Watashi wa totemo kansya shiteimasu.
Yoshinaga sensei, shitte iru koda-ka wakarimasen ga taiiku no sensei no shigoto wa- ALT ga “take nobori” ga dekiru yo ni oen suru koto desu.
Hagino sensei, issho ni “taiko” ganbarimashita ne! Sugu ni oboerete kando shimashita.
Mori sensei, Kyoiku Iinkai de naka yoku narete yokatta desu. Arata no shashin wa itsumo utsukushi shi, eigo de kaiwa mo tanoshikatta desu.
Tsutsui sensei, donna ni eigo ga jozu ka shirimasen deshita. Seito-san no tame ni tegami no honyaku ni tetsu date kurete arigato gouzaimashita. Itsumo osewa ni narimashita.
Onaka-san, kaiwa ga itsumo tanoshi katta desu. Anata no yasashii sekaku ga yoku tsuta wakarimashita.
Taniwaki san, Niyodo-chu to Agawa-chu de issho ni totemo tanoshi jikan wo sugoshimashita. Warai bakari deshita.
Sumida san, anata wa totemo shinsetsu de soshite totemo kandai na kata deshita.
Kocho sensei to Kyoto sensei, nimo kanshya shite tomoimasasu.
I really enjoyed Karoake!
Watashi wa hontou ni karaoke wo tanoshimi mashita.
I learned too that Wada, Hashida, Komi have beautiful singing voices.
Wada san hashida san komi san no koe wa kireina koe dato wakarimashita.
I have to smile, too, when I remember Tanimoto and Matsui sensei singing Princess Mononoke for me.
Tanimoto sensei to Matsui-san ga watashi no tame ni “mononoke hime” wo utatte kuremashita.
That your voices could hit those high notes was impressive…
Sono toki no anata gata no koe ga kouon de insyou teki datta koto wo omoidashi waratte shimai masu.
That you knew how to sing that song… was really funny!
Minasan wa sono uta no utaikata wo shitte imashita.demo tottemo okashikattadesu.
Matsui sensei, I will never forget the time you spent helping me perfect my Tosa-ben for Genki seinenkai musical. “ma! Hyosan nai chiya. Tada, kuroshio ni note kita dake yoe!”
松井先生、あなたが私に元気青年会ミュージカルの土佐弁 “まぁ! 氷山ないちや ただ 黒潮に乗って来ただけよえ!”を教えてくれたあの時のことを、忘れる事はないでしょう。
Matsui sensei, anata ga watashi ni genkiseinenkai myujikaru no tosaben
wo oshiete kureta. Totoeba: “ma- hyouzan nai chiya, tada kuroshio ni notte kita dake yoe!”
Ano toki no koto wo, wasureru koto wa naidesyou.
My feelings upon leaving are complicated.
Watashi wa kono chii wo hanareru koto ga totemo fukuzatsu na kibun desu.
I am full of anticipation for things to come, excited about seeing my friends and family.
私は、友達や家族再会すること、そして, これから私の人生に興奮してるであろう事に期待でいっぱいです。
Watashi wa tomodachi ya kazoku ni saikai surukoto, soshite korekara watashi no jinsei ni koufunshiteru de arou koto ni kitai de ippai desu.
I am apprehensive too. After all, I feel that I have become so comfortable here in Japan.
でも、私には、気がかりなこともあります。 それは、あまりにもここの生活が快適だったので
demo wataashi niwa kigakari na koto mo arimasu. Sore wa amari nimo koko no seikatsu ga kaiteki datta node.
How will I manage without changing my shoes all the time!
Heya ni hairu toki , kutsu wo nuganai seikatsu ga dekiru desyou ka?!
Without bringing chopsticks with me to parties!
Party de ohashi wo tsukawanaide irareru desyou ka?
And I will be the only person “hempai”ing at parties!
そして、私は、パーティーでただ一人の “返杯”をする人間になるでしょう!
Soshite watashi wa “pa-te” de tada hitori no “henpai” wo suru ningen ni naru desyou!
You live in such a beautiful place. I have really come to love this place and the people.
Minasan wa konoyouni utsukushii basho ni sundeimasu. Watashi wa koko ni kite kono basho to minasan ga hontou ni aijyou desu.
Thank you for two incredible years, for the opportunity to work with the best teachers, and for the chance to be apart of so many experiences.
Kono sinjirarenai kurai subarashii ninenkan to saikou no sensei to shigoto ga dekitakoto、soshite takusan no keiken wo mote ta koto ni kanshya shimasu.
Living in Japan has taught me more about myself and about being Canadian than I ever knew!
Nihon ni sunda koto ga, watashi jishin ga kanada-jin de aru koto wo , ima made shittei-ta ijou ni ooku no koto wo oshiete kure mashita.
It is surprising in many ways that I came so far to realize my identity.
Iroiro na houhou de, watashi no doku-jisei wo kizuka sareta koto wa odoroki desu.
It is for this reason that I am returning to university this fall to study Canadian History and Geography.
Soreni yori , watashi wa kono aki kanada no rekishi to tirigaku wo benkyou suru tameni daigaku ni modorimasu.
As well as English, I want to teach Social Studies.
Eigo to onaji youni watashi wa shyakai-gaku wo oshietai desu.
I will even be taking a course called “Canadian-Japanese relations through history.”
Watashi wa “ rekishi wo tooshite no Kanada to Nihon no kankei “to iu “ko-su” wo toru youni shite imasu.
I think that I will have many experiences about Japan to share with people back home.
Watashi wa kanada ni kaeri nihon deno ookuno keiken wo sokode wakachi-a-eru to omotte imasu.
I will always remember my time here.
Watashi wa itsumo koko deno toki wo omoi dasu deshyou.
I hope so much that you may find the chance to visit Canada.
Watashi wa minasan ga Kanada wo otozureru ki-kai-ga arukoto wo totemo negatte imasu.
That the students in Niyodogawa may travel to other countries and teach others about Japan.
Niyodogawa no seito ga gaikoku ni ryokou shi, gaikoku-jin ni nihon ni tsuite oshieru kamo shiremasen.
I hope that you continue to inspire your students.
Wattashi wa minasani ni seitotachi ni yuuki wo atae tuzukeru koto wo nozomi masu.
Your patience, your kindness, your devotion and your hard work are qualities I wish to take with me.
みなさんの忍耐、親切、忠誠 そして勤勉な特性を私はみならいたいものです。
Minasan no nintai shinsetsu soshite kinben na tokusei wo watashi wa minarai tai mono desu.
I am so grateful to you all and I will miss you more than I can express.
Kotoba dewa ii-arawase-nai kurai, minasan ni a-e-naku narukoto ga samishiku naru deshyou. Watashi wa subete no kata ni totemo kanshya shite imasu.
Thank you.
Arigatou gozaimashita.
Speech at Agawa School Assembly
Hey everyone. Are you all genki?
みなさん 元気ですか?
Looking forward to natsuyasumi tomorrow?
What do you think? Should I speak in English? Or should I speak in Japanese?
watashi wa eigo hanashita hoga ii desu ka.
nihongo de iita hoga ii desu ka?
I think English is okay because everyone's should be high in the level now!
でも、 みなさんの英語のレベルはとても良くなっています。
minasan no eigo no “reberu” wa totemo yokunatte imasu.
But I will try to speak in Japanese now.
Keredomo watashi wa ganbatte nihongo wo shaberimasu.
After all, you have all taught me some Japanese over these past two years.
Yahari watashi wa kono ninenkan anatatachi ni ikutsukano nihongo wo oshiete moraimashita.
Well. I learned various Japanese.
そう いろいろな日本語です
sou… iroiro na nihongo desu.
For example, “Oh my god. I can’t believe it!” and “uncertain” and “good job!”
たとえば、”oh my god…信じられな~い” と “びみょう” と “じょずです!”
Tatoeba “Oh my god. Shinjira-renai” to “bimyou” to “jozu desu!”
You were very helpful! Thank you so much.
anata tachi wa totemo shinsetsu deshita. Arigatou…
Moreover, I learned too that children all over the world would rather play outside than study!
Soshite, sekaiju no kodomo tachi wa benkyou yorimo soto de asobuno ga daisuki da-to iukoto mo shirimashita.
But we enjoyed English class very much, I think.
Demo, watashitachi wa eigo no kurasu ga tottemo tanoshikatta o moi masen ka?
I think that to go to school at Agawa is actually a lot of fun.
Agawa chuugakkou de jyuugyo suru koto wa totemo tanoshikatta desu.
You have such incredible teachers, and there are great students at this school.
Soko ni wa subarashii sensei tachi ya yushuna seito tachi ga takusan imashita.
I have so many good memories from this school.
Kono gakkou de tottemo takusan no yoi omoide ga dekimashita.
I was able to join you for Taiko lessons…
Watashi wa anata tachi no taiko no renshuu ni sanka suru koto ga dekimashita.
This was actually a miracle to tell you the truth.
kore wa jissai no tokoro, kiseki teki na koto deshita. hen I was young, my brothers had a drum set.
Toiuno wa, watashi ga kodomono koro, watashi no ani ga “doramusetto” wo motte imashita.
I hated it so much that I would throw their sticks out the window.
Sono koro watashi wa sono oto ga totemo kirai de, sono “sutikku” wo mado kara nagesu-te-te shimaimashita.
And I have no coordination.
Soreni, watashi wa “rizumu” wo torukoto ga dekimasen deshita.
But somehow I found myself there, not once, but several times.
でも、どういう訳かここで 吾川で一度ではなく何度もリズムをとっている私がいました。
Demo douiyuwake ka, Agawa de ichido dewa naku nandomo “rizumu” wo totte iru watashi ga imashita.
I was able to get to know some of you better, and to enjoy that time so much!
Watashi wa sorera wo yori rikai shi tanoshimu koto ga dekimashita.
Now when I listen to drums I am filled instead with affection. And…although it is a little late, I know my brothers will be proud too!
Watashi wa ima taikono oto wo kikeba tanoshii kibun ni naru shi, watashi no ani mo sore wo yorokonde kureru darou to omoi masu.
I enjoyed teaching all of you…
Watashi wa anata tachi ni oshieru koto ga tanoshikatta desu.
I have gotten to know many of you outside the classroom:
Watashi wa anata tachi no koto wo kyoushitsu igai demo shirukoto ga dekimashita.
Cooking together, having BBQ’s, writing letters or watching sports…
Ryouri wo shitari, BaBe-Q wo shitari, tegami wo kaitari, supo-tu kansen wo shitari,
I feel that I have come to know a little about you,
Sorede, anatatachi no koto wo sukoshi wakaru youni natta to omoi masu.
and I will miss you more than I can say.
watashi wa kotoba ni dekinai kurai,anata tachi ni a-e-naku naru-noga samishi desu.
But as I go on to teach in Canada, or in other countries,
shikashi watashi ga kanada de oshie tsuzu-keru toki mata, hokano kuni ni itemo…
I will always remember Agawa Junior High School with profound feeling.
Watashi wa itsumo Agawa chyuugakkou no koto wo fukai aijyou wo motte omoi dasu deshyou.
As I go onto my own new challenges…
watashi ga watashi jishin no atarashii chyousen wo shite-iru toki…
I hope that you continue to study hard, play hard, and practice hard.
Watashi wa anatatachi ni nesshin ni benkyou wo shite, asonde soshite, eigo o renshyu wo shite hoshi tomoimasu.
More than textbooks, Bingo games, more than tests…
休暇小よりも、 ビンゴゲーム よりも、 テストよりも。。。
kyukasho yorimo. bingo ge-mu.yorimo, tesuto yorimo…
human relations can change lives and bring us together.
ningen kankei wa jinsei wo kae, soshite watashi tachi wo hitotsu ni
suru koto deshou.
I want to thank you for teaching me so much,
私はみなさんにお礼が言いたいです たくさんの事を教えてくれたこと
watashi wa takusan no koto wo oshiete kureta minasan ni orei ga iitai desu.
And for making these last two years the most memorable, the most exciting experience of my life.
kono ninen kan wa watashini totte kakegae-no-nai toki de ari jinnsei no kichou na keiken ni narimashita.
Thank you.
Arigatou gozaimashita.
BOE speech:
The time has come that I must say goodbye t o you all and return to Canada.
Kono tabi watashi wa shigoto wo owari, Canada ni kaerimasu.
Thank you for all your help over these last few years.
Minasan nagai aida osewa ni narimashita.
Before I came to Japan I wondered if I could be away from my home for even four months.
nihon ni kurumae wa bokuku wo hanwrete tada no yonkagetsu desae ira-reru-darouka to omotte imashitaga
It is impossible to believe that two years have gone by.
mou ninen mo sugite shimattato wa shinji-rare-masen
But surely it is a proof to your kindness, your friendship and your support throughout that time;
でも それは ずっと皆さんのご親切と友情に私が支えられていたからです。
demo sorewa zutto minasan no go-shinsetsu to yuujyou ni watashi ga sasa-e-ra-rete itakara desu
… and that I feel such incredible heartache at saying goodbye.
owakare suruno ga kon-nani mo tsurai-no wa sono akashi desu.
Each and every person I have met here in Japan has shown me grace and generosity.
日本でお会いした人達は ひとりひとり 皆 優しく、寛大でした。
nihon de o-ai-shita hitotachi wa hitori-hitori mina yasashiku kandai deshita.
I have come to know you all for your generosity, your patience, your thoughtfulness, and for your dedication.
minasan ga ikani kandai de nintai-zu-yoku mata omi-yari-bu-kaku ken-shinte-kide aruka wo shirimasita
Ono, Jun, Miyuki, Monica: Your friendship during this time has
Onosan, Jun, miyuki, monika to, anatagata tono yuujyou wa taisetsu na mono desu.
been significant. It is rare to find one good friend, let alone so many!
takusan no yuujin wa mochiron hitori no yoi tomoni de-a-e-ru koto wa mettani arimasenn
As you may know, my emotions about leaving are complex.
gozon-jida to omoimasu ga watashi no kimochi wa fukuzatu desu.
The excitement and anticipation of returning home are mired by the heartache of leaving.
kikoku-suru kitaito koufun mo koko wo hanareru to omoeba tsuraimono ni narimasu
Still, it is the depths of those emotions that allow me to realize the success the JET Programme.
ラムが大成功だったから、このような深い気持ちになるのでしょう。 英語を
demo “JET puroguramuga” daisei-kou dattakara kono youna fukai kimochini naruno deshou.
more than teaching English, more than sharing our cultures with one another,
Eigo wo oshieru dake de naku mata otagai no kuni no bunka wo wakachi-a-u dake de naku
I see now that my vary character has grown through this experience.
Watashi wa kono keiken wo toushite atarashii jibun ga sodatta to omoimasu
I have come to understand the concept of pride- for one’s country, for ones’s traditions, for ones’s beliefs and values;
sorezore no hitono kuniya sono dentou to shinkou ya kachikan ni taisuru hokori toi-u-mono ga wakaru youni narimashita.
I have come to know the meaning of patience, the meaning of discipline, and decisions.
Nintai no imi kiritsu no imi soshite kesshin no imi wo shirimashita
Yes, decisions! Final, conclusive, unwavering and firm decisions…
そうです、決心。 最後の決定的なゆるぎない堅い決心です。
Soudesu kesshin! Saigono, ketteiteki na, yuruginai, katai kesshin desu.
learned too about attention to detail in following directions.
sorekara tsugino youna chiisana koto ni taisuru kokoro kubari ni tsuitemo manabi mashita…
Perhaps you know the story of the garbage?
Minasan na-ma-gomi no de-ki-goto wo gozon-ji dato omoimasu ga?
Should I dare remind you?
a-ete omoidashite itadaki-mashou ka?
One day I ran out of red garbage bags. And so I put my garbage in a red recycle bag.
Aruhi, watashi wa nama-gomi youno gomi bukuro wo kirashite shimaimashita. sokode aka shigen gomi youno fukuro ni nama gomi wo iremashita…
Later that day, Ono came to me and asked “Did you put your garbage in a red bag?
Suruto… atode ono-san ga kite: “gomi wo aka fukuro ni iremashitaka?” to kikaremasita.
I was really surprised. I said yes. And then he asked me,
watashi wa totemo odoroite iremashita. to kotaemashita “haiiii?”
“Did you put some lettuce in there? And some paper too?”
Suruto… konndo wa “retasu ya, kami no, gomi mo iremashitaka?” to kikaremashita
Oh my god! I was really embarrassed.
ああ、困った! 私はとても恥ずかしかったです。
aa komatta. Watashi wa totemo hazukashikatta desu.
We went to my house to pick up the garbage bag and we looked at its contents.
Hirotte ie ni kaette, gomi bukuro wo nakami wo mimashita.
I learned a lot about recycling that day. I learned that details matter. Red is red and black is black!
Sono hi watashi wa “risaikuru ni” tsuite takusan no koto wo manabi-mashita
kuwashii zai-shitsu: aka wa aka; kuro wa kuro desu
here were also misunderstandings here. Some were cultural, but others were linguistic:
Kanchigai mo arimashita. Bunka ni yorumono mo a-reba kotobani yoru mono mo arimashita.
For example, once I thought we were having an emergency evacuation drill. I was really worried about it.
Tatoeba, bousai hinan kunren ga aru-toki ni watashi wa honki de shinpai shite imashita.
But later that day we all went outside and practiced spraying with the fire hydrant.
Demo.. sonohi wa minna de soto ni dete shou-kasen no hou-su-i renshuu wo shita no deshita.
We were laughing and having such a good time!
Warai nagara tanoshiku shimashita!
Actually, if a real emergency comes I am a little afraid!
実は, 本当の非常事態が起きたら少し怖いですが。
Jitsu wa, hontou no hijyou jitai ga oki-tara sukoshi kowai deshyou!
I learned a little bit about duty and responsibility.
gimu to sekinin ni tsuite mo sukoshi dake manabimasita
For example, in Canada, there is rarely the person doing harmful insect extermination in the workplace…
Totoeba, Kanada dewa sho-kuba-e gaichyu kujo wo shite kureru hito wa metta ni imasen
But when I had a Mukade, Jun took care of it;
Demo, mukade ga watashi no ie ni kittimashita, detatoki wa Jun ni kittimashita.
when I had cockroaches, Ono took care of that too.
“Gokiburi” ga detatoki wa Ono-san ga yattsukete kuremashita
Thank you so much!
Arigato gozaimashita!
Kurokawa-san took me to the hospital when I got something in my eye;
Kurokawa-san, watashi no me ni nanika haitta toki ni byounin ni tsurete itte kuremashita.
Miyuki, sometimes you were a nurse, bringing me things when I was sick, taking me for acupuncture.
Miyuki, anata ga byouki no toki hitsu youna mono wo youishite harino chiryou ni tsurete itte kuremashita.
Sometimes you were a travel agent, sometimes a translator (most of the time actually)…
anata wa itsumo wa tsuuyaku, mata arutoki wa ryokou no sewanin, Aaa… tsuuyakushya itsumo deshyou…
Komi-san, you have been so helpful in making everything run smoothly.
Komi-san: anatatachi wa watshi ga yariyasui youni iroiro tasukete kuremashita.
And in keeping us entertained. Especially: “I have five families”!!
soshite, itsumo tanoshimasete kuremahita. Totoeba, “watashi wa, go no kazoku wo motte imasu” Moreover, after the Amazing Race, everyone, you were demolition experts
Tokuni、minasan “ameijingu reesu” no ato katazuke no “puro” deshita.
Thank you everyone!
Arigato Gozaimashita!
Tai-san has been so kind. She made me a bit vat of rice, she gave me a Yukata and a beautiful teapot
Tai-san wa totemo shinsetsu de: gohan wo tsukutte kuremashita, yukata ya, kirei na “tiipotto” mo itadakimashita!
And, she came in on the weekend and dressed me in Kimono. Thank you.
それに、週末には着物を着せに来てくださいました。名野川であなたとコーヒーを飲むのをいつも. ありがと。。。
Soreni, shuumatsu niwa kimono wo kiseni kite kudasaimasita. Arigato…
Yamamoto-san, I always looked forward to having coffee with you at Nanokawa.
Yamamoto-san, Nnanokawa de anatato kohii wo nomuno wo itsumo tanoshimini shiteimashita.
Ono, you helped me organize so many events,
Ono-san niwa hontouni takusan no ibento no junbi wo testu datte moraimashita.
You introduced me to Japanese culture and nature. I enjoyed planting and harvesting rice!
Nihon bunka ya shizen ni tsuite mo oshiete moraimashita. Soreni, okome wo soda-te-te shuukaku suru nowa tanoshikatta deshita!
And your BBQ was so much fun! We shared many jokes together I think.
BBQ wa hontouni yukai deshita。。。joudan wo ii atte tanoshikatta desune
you have all been so generous with yourself and your time.
Minsan wa totemo kandai na kata deshita
When I came to Japan I didn’t even know how to say “konichiwa.”
nihon ni kita toki “konnichiwa” no ii kata sae shirimasen deshita
Now I know important words like “isogashi ne!” and “coffee suki desu ka?” and “jodan desu!” and my favorite: “kojanto…!”
ima dewa juuyou na kotoba wo shitteimasu. Totoeba: “isogashiine” “kouhii suki desu ka” “joudan desu” toka watashi no okini iri no “kojanto desu”
I didn’t know about Kagura or ikebana or “hempai.” I could not imagine such beautiful
神楽や生け花、返杯も知りませんでした。 秋葉神社、仁淀川、ゆの森、そして
kagura ya ikebana henpai mo shirimasenndeshita akibajinshya niyodogawa yunomori
places as the Akiba shrine, the Niyodo river, Yunomori, or Niyodogawa mountains… I
soshite niyodogawachou no yamayama no youna utsukushii bashowo souzou dekimasen deshita
did not know about kappa, about Ryoma, about Yakuza, or about ampan man!
kappa Ryoma yukata soshite anpanman mo shirimasen deshita
I had many first experiences here:
hajimeteno keikenga takusann arimasita
My first okonomoyaki
初めての お好み焼き
hajimeteno okonomiyaki
my first Kirin beer!
初めての キリンビール!
hajimeteno kirinbiiru
My first onigiri
初めての おにぎり
hajimeteno onigiri
my first ocha, macha and mocha
初めての お茶、抹茶と(もち? )
hajimeteno ocha maccha to (mochi?)
my first geisha photoshoot
初めての 芸者姿の撮影
hajimeteno geisha sugatano satsuei
My first typhoon, earthquake and rainy season.
初めての 台風、地震、梅雨
hajimeteno taifuu jishin tsuyu
I had my first ever Mukade kill
初めての ムカデ殺し
hajimeteno mukade goroshi
mu second mukade kill
二回目の ムカデ殺し
nikaimeno mukade goroshi
thankfully no more mukade kills.
arigataikotoni mou koroshite imasenn
My first visit to a temple
初めての お寺参り
hajimeteno otera mairi
my first visit to a limestone quarry!
初めての 石灰岩採石場
hajimeteno sekkai saisekijou
My first enkia, first undokai, first bunkansai, first nomikai, first tomodachikai…
hajimeteno (enkai?) undoukai bunkasai nomikai tomodachikai・・・
As I go on to do other things, these memories will stay with me forever.
korekara watashiga hokano kotowo shitemo korerano omoidewa zutto watashino nakani nokorudeshou
I hope that you won’t be too surprised when I write my experiences down and have them published.
Watashiga kono taiken wo kirokushite sorega shuppan saretemo amari odorokanaide
Already I know that I will return to Japan one day. I feel that I have only seen the
いつか日本に帰ってきます。 まだ日本のほんの表面を見ただけで、
itsuka nihonni kaette kimasu mada ninon no hon no hyoumen wo mitadakede
surface and have so much to learn.
manabu kotoga takusan aruto omotte imasu
You are truly the most incredible people I have ever had the pleasure to work with.
皆さんのような すばらしい人たちと一緒に働いたことはありません。
minasan no youna subarashii hitotachito isshoni hatraita kotowa arimasen
Thank you for two years of wonderful experiences, the opportunity to work with the
kono ninenkan no subarashii keiken to saikouno hitotachito isshoni shigotaga dekitakotoni kansha shinagara
best people, and for a chance to be apart of this profound and memorable experience.
hitomazu kono fukaku kokoroni nokoru taiken to owakare wo shimasu
Thank you.
Arigatou gozaimashita
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Friday, 4 July 2008
Spot the Symbolism
It was destined to be an anomalous day right from the start. After all, the day began miserably raining while the sun shone though. But the case was truly made as I opened my textbook to today’s ninth grade lesson:

I read over the dialogue and then I read it again. Something just wasn’t right; something was, in fact, agonizingly, glaringly wrong. Before I had a chance to think about it further, however, I was ushered into my morning meeting with Nabeshima, my co-English teacher. We had finished discussing the lessons when he mentioned that he had been quite sick the day before. “I hope,” he grimaced, “that I can just make it through to lunch. There are no classes after lunch, at least.” I nodded sympathetically, feeling run-down myself.
Harnessing our secret stash of “teacher might” (mine was coffee, his was an energy drink) we went forth to class where twenty lethargic souls stared back at us unimpressed for ten minutes solid, until this event took place:
I was walking up and down the rows, checking the work of the students, when all of a suddenly a bee flew in through an open window. It was larger than any bee I’ve seen in Canada, in fact larger than any bee I have seen anywhere, for that matter. It was not so much its abrupt appearance into our lesson, however, that caused a stir but its inebriated “plunk plunk plunk” against the windowpane. Over and over it circled the room and came rudimentarily back the same spot, no doubt perplexed by the transparent shield that prevented its freedom, and which was the cause of its imminent death.
Having caught the attention of each and every child within the room, the bee proceeded to dive low into the crowd, creating a wave of screams and flapping arms in its wake. A boy (we will call him Taro) jumped courageously on the desks and began leaping from one to the other in a heroic effort to quench the beast’s life. I, meanwhile, was just as busy making everyone sit back in their chairs and “pay no attention to it, for heavens sake,” and “get back into your seats. What did that bee ever do to us?”
And then there was a moment. Deep within me there was a moment of telepathy as what was about to happen dawned on me, and there was nothing to do but flinch in anticipation.
And there it was… Taro, in slow motion, leaping from one desk to another, his fist striking an abrupt blow against the windowpane. It struck a blow and then it struck again, and without defying any rules to objects that are inflicted so, Taro’s hand went clean through the glass.
The room was silent. We looked from the window to his hand where blood was now beginning to swell. He smiled at the class, as cool as ever, and jumped down from the desk, laughing softly as he made a graceful exit from the class. There were drops of blood leading from the shattered glass down the hallway.
It is impossible to predict how things will effect you. Through the next and final class I stood in a bit of a daze, waving between shock and indifference. All in a day around here, I thought to myself. Just last week I caught the same boy climbing on the roof outside the third floor. When I hauled him into through the open window he was wet from the rain. Are you crazy! I cried. There were other boys standing there with their hands in their pockets. Are you crazy, I said again. I stared at them all with astonishment. Later that day I learned that a boy had died in Tokyo the day before. He had climbed onto the roof of the school and had fallen to his death.
Half an hour left of class. The sixth graders were more sober than usual because they had heard about the bee and the broken glass. They were given a stern lecture at the beginning of class, warning them to leave the bees alone, to ignore them, and to never, ever hit the glass. I looked outside and saw that it was beginning to rain again. It was insufferably humid. A bee entered the class. It made a silent flight around the room and then it predictably struck itself against the window. The students turned all at once and stared crying “sensei sensei!”
Called to arms, Nabeshima took up a piece of paper and rolled it. He struck out at the bee, hitting his mark and crushed it under his shoe. Only minutes later he was after yet another. He stumbled around the room after it, swatting and swatting. Inside I was screaming. I watched the scene like a spectre. There was a moment of confusion as several shoes joined the fight, and then all at once a second corpse lay on the ground.
I stood for a moment, feeling overwhelmingly stunned. What I wanted to do then was to walk away from that class, to walk away from the entire school. I stood for such a long time fighting the impulse that had to call my name several times before I came back to consciousness. Everyone was staring at me expectantly. I gazed at the textbook. I had no idea what we were doing; none at all. Before I could find my place in the book a third bee flew into the class. Like the bee before it, and the one before that and the one before that, it entered, it flew, it meandered, and it made for the window. And there it landed as one final, one tremendous, fatal blow was struck with Nabeshima’s rolled up textbook.

I read over the dialogue and then I read it again. Something just wasn’t right; something was, in fact, agonizingly, glaringly wrong. Before I had a chance to think about it further, however, I was ushered into my morning meeting with Nabeshima, my co-English teacher. We had finished discussing the lessons when he mentioned that he had been quite sick the day before. “I hope,” he grimaced, “that I can just make it through to lunch. There are no classes after lunch, at least.” I nodded sympathetically, feeling run-down myself.
Harnessing our secret stash of “teacher might” (mine was coffee, his was an energy drink) we went forth to class where twenty lethargic souls stared back at us unimpressed for ten minutes solid, until this event took place:
I was walking up and down the rows, checking the work of the students, when all of a suddenly a bee flew in through an open window. It was larger than any bee I’ve seen in Canada, in fact larger than any bee I have seen anywhere, for that matter. It was not so much its abrupt appearance into our lesson, however, that caused a stir but its inebriated “plunk plunk plunk” against the windowpane. Over and over it circled the room and came rudimentarily back the same spot, no doubt perplexed by the transparent shield that prevented its freedom, and which was the cause of its imminent death.
Having caught the attention of each and every child within the room, the bee proceeded to dive low into the crowd, creating a wave of screams and flapping arms in its wake. A boy (we will call him Taro) jumped courageously on the desks and began leaping from one to the other in a heroic effort to quench the beast’s life. I, meanwhile, was just as busy making everyone sit back in their chairs and “pay no attention to it, for heavens sake,” and “get back into your seats. What did that bee ever do to us?”
And then there was a moment. Deep within me there was a moment of telepathy as what was about to happen dawned on me, and there was nothing to do but flinch in anticipation.
And there it was… Taro, in slow motion, leaping from one desk to another, his fist striking an abrupt blow against the windowpane. It struck a blow and then it struck again, and without defying any rules to objects that are inflicted so, Taro’s hand went clean through the glass.
The room was silent. We looked from the window to his hand where blood was now beginning to swell. He smiled at the class, as cool as ever, and jumped down from the desk, laughing softly as he made a graceful exit from the class. There were drops of blood leading from the shattered glass down the hallway.
It is impossible to predict how things will effect you. Through the next and final class I stood in a bit of a daze, waving between shock and indifference. All in a day around here, I thought to myself. Just last week I caught the same boy climbing on the roof outside the third floor. When I hauled him into through the open window he was wet from the rain. Are you crazy! I cried. There were other boys standing there with their hands in their pockets. Are you crazy, I said again. I stared at them all with astonishment. Later that day I learned that a boy had died in Tokyo the day before. He had climbed onto the roof of the school and had fallen to his death.
Half an hour left of class. The sixth graders were more sober than usual because they had heard about the bee and the broken glass. They were given a stern lecture at the beginning of class, warning them to leave the bees alone, to ignore them, and to never, ever hit the glass. I looked outside and saw that it was beginning to rain again. It was insufferably humid. A bee entered the class. It made a silent flight around the room and then it predictably struck itself against the window. The students turned all at once and stared crying “sensei sensei!”
Called to arms, Nabeshima took up a piece of paper and rolled it. He struck out at the bee, hitting his mark and crushed it under his shoe. Only minutes later he was after yet another. He stumbled around the room after it, swatting and swatting. Inside I was screaming. I watched the scene like a spectre. There was a moment of confusion as several shoes joined the fight, and then all at once a second corpse lay on the ground.
I stood for a moment, feeling overwhelmingly stunned. What I wanted to do then was to walk away from that class, to walk away from the entire school. I stood for such a long time fighting the impulse that had to call my name several times before I came back to consciousness. Everyone was staring at me expectantly. I gazed at the textbook. I had no idea what we were doing; none at all. Before I could find my place in the book a third bee flew into the class. Like the bee before it, and the one before that and the one before that, it entered, it flew, it meandered, and it made for the window. And there it landed as one final, one tremendous, fatal blow was struck with Nabeshima’s rolled up textbook.
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